

Home FAQ

How can I contact First Path Childcare?
Through our website you can send us a message with the contact form. You can also book a tour at one of our locations. Would you prefer to speak to someone by phone? You can call our location at 10401 Braeside drive sw Calgary, the phone number for our location 4039755644.
When can my child start daycare?

At First Path Childcare we offer programs for children from 12 months and up. Do you want to find out more about our programs? Don’t hesitate to contact us or book a tour.

What are First Path Childcares' hours of operation?

AtFirst Path Childcare we are open between 7.00 – 18.00 hours from Monday till Friday. Weekends our First Path Childcare is closed.

Where to go for daycare in First Path Childcare?
If you are looking for a daycare, you are at the right place. At First Path Childcare we offer programs for infants between 12 – 18 months, as well as toddler care until 3 years old. Apart from that, we also have a Preschool. You can always book a tour at one of our locations!